Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018
Medical Thoracoscopy: A minimal invasive procedure benefits in a tertiary care centre
Dr. Anuj V Gandhi, Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Gauri P Godbole, Dr. Tejas Deshpande
Abstract :
Background: Medical thoracoscopy or pleuroscopy is used in exploration of pleural space. Recently, has received
importance due to its applied diagnostic and therapeutic management in diseases involving pleural spaces. In this
study we share our experience with medical thoracoscopy at our institute.
Objective: To review our methods and benets with rigid thoracoscopy
Method: In a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent thoracoscopic procedures between June,2016 to December,2017. There
were 46 medical thoracoscopy performed, most common indication was pleural biopsy performed in undiagnosed cases of pleural
effusion; other indications like lung biopsy in diffuse lung disease, adhesionolysis of loculated pleural effusion and pleurodesis. The
patient‘s demographic data, indication for medical thoracoscopy, complication and outcome were recorded and analyzed.
Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis of all 46 patients underwent thoracoscopy was done and ndings expressed in terms of percentages.
Results: A total of 46 patients out of which 32 were males and 14 were females; mean age was 42 years who underwent medical
thoracoscopy. In 26 patients indicated for undiagnosed pleural effusion; the diagnostic yield was 92.30%. Out of which 53.85% were of
tuberculous origin, while 38.46% were of malignant origin. In 8 cases of loculated pleural effusion, 4 patients showed good improvement
on chest Xray. The mean number of days post thoracoscopy ICD was 4 days in cases of empyema, who underwent thoracoscopy. There were
no major complication, while minor complication in 11.54% of cases.
Conclusion: Medical thoracoscopy is a safe and simple valuable tool with low complication rates.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Anuj V Gandhi, Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Gauri P Godbole, Dr. Tejas Deshpande, Medical Thoracoscopy: A minimal invasive procedure benefits in a tertiary care centre, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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References :
Dr. Anuj V Gandhi, Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Gauri P Godbole, Dr. Tejas Deshpande, Medical Thoracoscopy: A minimal invasive procedure benefits in a tertiary care centre, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018