Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Mathematical Modeling for Real Estate Valuation

Dipali Patil, Dr. Sachin V Admane

Abstract :

 Numerical model the words mirrors an impervious language and depends on repetitive insights.The Mathematical model portrays the monetary background that will at last influence corporate income, loan costs, and swelling. They can likewise impacts the future expense of financing a house, the security of the occupation, and the general way of life. Moreover for firms contending in worldwide commercial center, valuation file are of specific significance since they permit official to evaluate business opportunities. The model helps the promoter/designer to settle on the dominating interest for specific business property in his general vicinity i.e., it distinguishes the business calling which will ing better returns in that specific property. At deciding costs in land, the greater part of the general population rely on upon the venture consultants or hear TV investigators Talk unendingly about the finanancial markets. Unmistakably there is a lot of appropriately data and not every last bit of it is valuable. The proposal is sorted out in a way that we trust gives a reasonable photo of the entre subject, regulated.

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Dipali Patil, Dr. Sachin V Admane Mathematical Modeling for Real Estate Valuation Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-8, August‾2016

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