Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015
Managing the stress and improving productivity in women employees: a study with special reference to Kerala
Dr. Mariya T Cheeran, Dr. Saji K S
Abstract :
Work stress can be defined as "the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it ". The word stress has been borrowed from the natural sciences. Stress management encompasses a range of modalities designed to treat the physical and emotional toll of stress. Both positive and negative events in one‘s life can be stressful. However, major life changes are the greatest contributors of stress for most of the people. This paper examines the level of stress among women employees working in private sector undertaking in Kerala. It suggest some pragmatic suggestions to manage stress effectively
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Mariya T Cheeran, Dr. Saji K S Managing the stress and improving productivity in women employees: a study with special reference to Kerala Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015
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Dr. Mariya T Cheeran, Dr. Saji K S Managing the stress and improving productivity in women employees: a study with special reference to Kerala Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015