Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016
Management of wide edentulous space with the help of loop connector- A Bridge that breaches the gap-A case report.
Dr. Archana Piyaja, Dr. Tamanna Chhabra, Dr. Rajesh Sethuraman, Dr. Diptesh Rami
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;One of the most challenging and complex treatment modality is give patient esthetic appearance, chewing inefficiency for that there&rsquo;s need to get proper treatment planning. In such instances, there is necessary to evaluate, diagnose and resolve esthetic problems using prosthetic treatments. The primary aim is to regain the lost function, esthetics, comfort and confidence for the patient. This can be overcome by different treatment options like Implant-supported restorations, Conventional porcelainfused-to-metal and resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. This case report describes the prothodontist approach to restore function and esthetics of a patient diagnose and replacement of missing teeth there where need to give proper fixed prosthesis ,so there is need to do modification in connector give rigid or non rigid connector. A detailed treatment plan includes proper oral hygiene measures. This was followed by temporary prosthesis. Patient was given temporary restorations for about 1 week with the aim of to assess the mastication and comfort of the patient and esthetic appearance. Final rehabilitation was done with porcelain fused to metal ceramic restoration - fixed dental prostheses.</p>
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.Archana Piyaja, Dr.Tamanna Chhabra, Dr. Rajesh sethuraman, Dr. Diptesh Rami Management of wide edentulous space with the help of loop connector- A Bridge that breaches the gap-A case report.Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue
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Dr.Archana Piyaja, Dr.Tamanna Chhabra, Dr. Rajesh sethuraman, Dr. Diptesh Rami Management of wide edentulous space with the help of loop connector- A Bridge that breaches the gap-A case report.Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue