Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016


Dr. Ashok Kumar Madan Singh, Dr. Anup Jain

Abstract :

 A 54 year old male patient with severe Low back pain with radiculaopathy to both legs, difficulty in walking and stiffness was treated with Panchkarma therapies. Patient presented with severe pain in lower back and difficulty in walking without support. Gait was limping and unstable with tingling and numbness in both lower extremities. SLR was 30° on right leg and 45° on left leg. Management was done with various Panchkarma therapies over 17 days. Ayurveda explains this disease as Katigata vata under Vatavyadhi. Snehana and svedana formed the first line of treatment to pacify the vitiated vata while snehadhara worked as balya for mansa-asthi dhatu. SLR improved to 60° on Right leg and 80° on left leg. Also there was significant improvement in gait as patient started walking without support and limp.

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Dr. Ashok Kumar Madan Singh, Dr. Anup Jain MANAGEMENT OF LOW BACKACHE WITH AYURVEDA รขโ‚ฌโ€œ A CASE STUDY Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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