Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Low-Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma–A Case Report and Review of Literature

M . K. Paswan, M . A. Ansari, A. K. Shrivastav

Abstract :

       Low-grade  fiomyxoid  sarcoma  (LGFMS)  is  a rare  neoplasm  with  a  tendency

 to  develop  in  deep  soft  tissue of  young  adults. (1) It  is  also  referred to  as  “Evans

tumor”, “Hyalinizing  spindle cell tumor with giant  rosettes” and “Low-grade

fiosarcoma  with  palisaded  granuloma like bodies”.(2,3)  LGFMS is considered a

diagnostic  dilemma  because  of  its  innocuous  and  varied  histological  features  that

can  be  potentially  confused  with  other  benign  or  low-grade  fiomyxoid  lesions.

This  report  is  aimed  at  reinforcing  the  need to recognize LGFMS as a sarcoma

despite  its  deceptively  benign  histological  appearance.

Case Report:

A  20-year-old  female  patient  presented  to  the surgery  Out  Patient  Department

with  a  painless, deeply  situated  mass  in the proximal extremity (right forearm),

present  for  5  years.   Patient  was  referred  to  the   pathology  department  for

Fine  Needle  Aspiration  Cytology  (FNAC). FNAC was  suggestive  of  a  benign

mesenchymal   lesion of  neural or fioblastic  origin. This was followed by excision.

Pathological examination of the excised swelling revealed a grossly circumscribed,

Unencapsulated  tumor  measuring  8 x5 x3 cms in size. The cut surface varied from

being  gray  white, firm and fious to gelatinous or   myxoid.   Microscopy  revealed

cellular  areas  constituted  by  bland  spindle  shaped  fioblasts,  alternating  with less

cellular  myxoid  areas. A typical  pattern of  intermixed, sweeping  bands  of  fious and

myxoid  tissue, focal  areas  of  storiform  architecture  and  concentric   perivascular  


cuffs of slender  spindle  cells  was  seen ( Figure 1 ). 

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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M .K. paswan, M .A. Ansari, A. K. shrivastav, Low-Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma–A Case Report and Review of Literature, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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