Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Literature as a Tool for Effective Content Delivery

M. Sridevi, G. Sashi Kumar

Abstract :

 The paper “Using Literature as a tool for effective content delivery” has been written keeping in view the Verbatim stated by The AICTE Act, which reads “To provide for the establishment of an All India Council for Technical Education with a view to the proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education system throughout the country. The promotion of quality improvement of such education in relation to planned quantitative growth and the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the technical education system and for matters connected therewith.”This paper begins with the introduction of English and its importance, and also Literature and its importance. In addition to understanding the importance of literature the paper throws light on the texts used in the curriculum. The paper supports Drama /Role Play as a technique to enrich the student’s communicative competence in English through literature. This paper justifies that Literature is the tool for qualitative development of Engineering Students, i.e. at the end of the course the students attain not only a degree but also become emotionally connected to the society.

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M.Sridevi, G.Sashi Kumar Literature as a Tool for Effective Content Delivery Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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