Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Lichen planus and metabolic syndrome- a case controlled study

Dr. Nidhi Rana, Dr. Aneet Mahendra, Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Dr. Manik Aggarwal

Abstract :

 Background and objectives: Lichen Planus (L.P) is a chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous disease affecting 0.22 to 5% of the general population. Recent data suggests its association with systemic disorders such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, hepatic disorders and diabetes mellitus (DM). Relationship between L.P and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is not yet taken into account. MS and DM have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. These conditions, if detected and treated early could potentially decrease mortality and improve the quality of life in these patients.   Aims and Objectives To evaluate the association of metabolic syndrome and lichen planus and to compare the various components of metabolic syndrome in cases and controls. Methodology: All cases of LP were investigated for Fasting Blood Glucose (FBS) and lipid profile. 50 age matched controls were included. MS was diagnosed as per SAM-National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III. Results: Out of 50 cases, 46% were males and 54% were females. Subjects were in age ranging from 18 to 70 years. Most of the cases presented with classical type of L.P (54%) followed by hypertrophic L.P (20%). 48% of patients showed raised FBS level as compared to 18% controls (p-0.001)Triglycerides were raised in 50% of L.P patients as compared to 30% of  controls (p-0.003). MS was more prevalent in cases than in controls (46% versus 26% respectively, (p-0.038 ). Conclusion: DM, dyslipidemia and MS are seen more commonly in L.P patients. Hence, these patients should be evaluated properly for these systemic disorders and treated accordingly.  

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Dr. Nidhi Rana, Dr. Aneet Mahendra, Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Dr. Manik Aggarwal, Lichen planus and metabolic syndrome- a case controlled study, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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