Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Languages of powers. Mottoes and slogans of institutions and their ability to think ourselves. And universities?

Miguel Alberto Gonz Lez Gonz Lez

Abstract :

<p><p><p><p> This text comes from the research titled languages of power, languages that think us? Whose main interest is to</p> <div>understand the different languages from powers and ways to think us, this research was made between 2011 and</div> <div>2014 at the Universidad de Manizales, Colombia. The mottos and slogans are institutions instances that think us</div> <div>and make us think, are they consistent? What they mean? Why make them? For whom make?</div> <div>To think the mottoes, the slogans and the senses that display is, somehow, to check many forms of communication</div> <div>that, in place, of liberating they submit and pronounce certainly to develop, this because a motto or a slogan, very deep down, which it is required is solidarity and commitment. Does not matter, companies with capitalist models or solidary tradition, even religious, educational, military institutions or other governmental instances, the mottoes and the slogans constitute them as a way toimpact and try to control the society.</div></p></p></p>

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Miguel Alberto Gonzalez Gonzalez/ Languages of powers. Mottoes and slogans of institutions and their ability to think ourselves. And universities?/ Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015

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