Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Knowledge regarding asepsis among staff nurses

Mrs. Neeraja. L

Abstract :

Asepsis is freedom from infection or prevention of contact with microorganisms. Aseptic technique is a set of specific practices and performed under carefully controlled conditions with goal of minimizing contamination by pathogen. The present study was conducted for the core purpose of assessing knowledge regarding asepsis among staff nurses. It is also intended to find out the attitude and the intention of staff nurses towards aseptic measures. The research approach used in the study is quantitative approach and the design is descriptive. The sample for the study comprised of 80 graduate staff nurses working in private Medical College Hospital in Trivandrum. The sampling technique adopted for the selection of the sample is simple random method. A semi structured questionnaire was used to find out the knowledge regarding asepsis among staff nurses. After establishing validity and reliability of the tool , a pilot study was done before undertaking the main study ,after obtaining ethical clearence. Study findings revealed that majority of staff nurses, 87.50% had adequate knowledge and 12.50% had inadequate knowledge about asepsis.

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Mrs.Neeraja.L Knowledge Regarding Asepsis Among Staff Nurses Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 12 December 2015

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