Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Knowledge of mothers regarding Hib vaccination: A cross sectional survey

Rinu J George, Shiny T Sam, Manoj Kumar L

Abstract :

Immunization is vital; it protects nearly 3/4th of children against major childhood illness. In the Universal Immunization Program (UIP) only six vaccine preventable diseases are taking into consideration, the epidemiology, cost effectiveness and availability of vaccine in the country. A cross sectional survey was conducted among 100 mothers of under five children, who were recruited using purposive sampling technique from pediatric OPD of a Medical College in Karnataka. Objectives of the study were:- To assess the knowledge regarding Hib vaccination, to determine the association of knowledge of mothers with selected demographic variables and provide an information guide sheet regarding the importance of Hib vaccination. Data collected using a structured questionnaire the split half method was used to test the reliability of the tool. The reliability is obtained as r=0.92 for knowledge questionnaire. The findings revealed that; more than half of the mothers 55% had moderate knowledge, 37% had inadequate and only 8% had adequate knowledge; mean knowledge score of 13.19 with standard deviation of 4.16. The mean score per cent attained as 52.7%. There was significant association between knowledge and educational status and also residence of mothers. The study findings pointed out the need for educating the importance of vaccinations and provision of an information booklet

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Rinu J George, Shiny T Sam, Manoj kumar L Knowledge of mothers regarding Hib vaccination: A cross sectional survey Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016

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