Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018
Knowledge of Diabetic patient on "Prevention of Diabetic foot Ulcer"
Ms. Ayushi Pandey, Ms. Aditi Kothiyal, Ms. Aaishwarya Gautam, Ms. Akansha Goswami, Mr. Akhilesh Rawat, Mr. Dipti Y. Sorte
Abstract :
Background of the study: It is a study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of diabetic foot ulcer among diabetic patients in a selected hospital, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Objective-The main objective of the study wasto assess the knowledge regarding diabetic foot ulcer among diabetic clients and to associate the knowledge score with the selected demographic variable of diabetic client.
Methodology-Quantitative research approach. The study was done in selected hospital Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The sample comprised of 150 patients with diabetic mellitus who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Data was collected from participants by structured knowledge questionnaire regarding prevention of diabetic foot ulcer.
Result-the result showed that there is no significant association between level of knowledge and age(x²=0.55), gender (²=3.85), income (x²=0.728), availability of health resources (x²=0.807), occupation (x²=0.175), source of diabetic education (x²=0.214), age when diabetic mellitus diagnosed (x²=0.145), any other problem (x²=0.739), types of diet (x²=0.113), habits and addictions (x²=0.129), types of diabetes (x²=0.474), RBS monitoring (x²=0.474).There is significant association of knowledge regarding prevention of diabetic foot ulcer with their education i.e. x²=0.013.
Conclusion- It was concluded that there is good knowledge in patients with diabetic mellitus regarding prevention of diabetic foot ulcer.
Keywords :
Study assess effectiveness knowledge diabetic patient diabetic foot ulcer prevention hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ms. Ayushi pandey, Ms. Aditi Kothiyal, Ms. Aaishwarya Gautam, Ms. Akansha Goswami, Mr. Akhilesh Rawat, Mr. Dipti Y. Sorte, Knowledge of Diabetic patient on , GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018
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Ms. Ayushi pandey, Ms. Aditi Kothiyal, Ms. Aaishwarya Gautam, Ms. Akansha Goswami, Mr. Akhilesh Rawat, Mr. Dipti Y. Sorte, Knowledge of Diabetic patient on , GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018