Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015
Dr. D. Muruganandam, Ms. D. Praveenadevi
Abstract :
Every academic institution contributes to knowledge generation, sh� and development. The generated information and knowledge is to be ought together at central place and circulated among the society for further growth. It is a known fact that the generated knowledge in the academic institutions is not stored or captured properly. In addition to it, academic environment is a depository of knowledge but it is not organized properly and hence utility is also lacking and cause for the repetitions of the activity. Knowledge has being as core part to create human intellectual assets. Managing this power most effectively and efficiently directs the organization to attain competitive advantage leveraging the resources and capabilities for accomplishing its objectives. KM techniques and tools can be applied in higher education system get better academic services (teaching- learning process). This paper highlights some of the issue interlinking knowledge management with higher education development giving a framework for adopting KM in HEIs.
Keywords :
Knowledge management academic environment intellectual assets competitive advantage higher education development.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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DR.D.MURUGANANDAM, MS.D.PRAVEENADEVI Knowledge Management in the Higher Educational Institutions- Management of Intellectual Assets Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015
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DR.D.MURUGANANDAM, MS.D.PRAVEENADEVI Knowledge Management in the Higher Educational Institutions- Management of Intellectual Assets Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015