Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Hospital Waste Management In Chhattisgarh Institute Of Medical Sciences And Associated Hospital

Thakur Singh H, Singh L. , Dhruw V. , Jitpure S.

Abstract :

“Let the wastage of sick not contaminated the lives of healthy”.The waste produced in the course of Health care activities carries a high potential for infection & injury than other type of waste. Therefore it is essential to have safe and reliable method for its handling. Inadequate and Inappropriate handling of healthcare waste may have serious public health consequence and significant impact on environment.There is absence of quantitative and qualitative scientific data regarding various component of Hospital waste management. Appropriate management of health care waste is a crucial component of Environmental health protection and integral feature of health care services. Objective : 1. To Observe the hospital waste management system in teaching hospital. 2. To study the practice of waste handling by nurses , ward boy , and other hospital staffs. Material and Method : A cross sectional observational study was carried out to access the waste management system in teaching hospital and also access the knowledge of hospital regarding hospital waste handling . Interview of 437 hospital staffs carried out on predesign and pretesting oral questioning. Statistical analysis : Analysis using by SPSS software. Result : Out of total 52 collection site (Wards , OPD , OT) only 22 (42%) places proper colour coding is followed. This indicates risk of intermixing of biomedical waste . Only in 15 (28.8%) places are proper segregation , colour coding well maintain container with proper polythene bag found. 100% of waste handlers used globes as protective measure . Only 3(10%) used apron, 18 (64%) used mask, no one used goggle as protective measure . The sanitary workers have inadequate knowledge and poor practice of hospital waste handling. Conclusion : Total 52 collection site of hospital was surveyed ,colour coding, proper segregation is followed only in 22 (42.3 %). Hospital waste not properly segregated at source during transportation and disposal . No waste management policy and committee are formed at hospital level. Hospital waste material is disposed through authorised outsource private agency

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Thakur Singh H, Singh L., Dhruw V., Jitpure S. Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Hospital Waste Management in Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences And Associated Hospital Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015

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