Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Knowledge and attitude on child birth preparation and factors promoting and de-promoting the utility of service among primigravida mothers

Mrs. Malathi. D

Abstract :

A descriptive design was adopted and the study was conducted in Southern Railway Hospital, Perambur, Chennai, in the antenatal outpatient department. 100 primigravida mothers who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected by using non probability convenience sampling technique. Structured self-administered questionnaire were used to assess the knowledge and factors promoting and de-promoting the utility of service and modified three pointLikert scale was used to measure the attitude on childbirth preparation.Majority of them 51(51%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 45(45%) had inadequate knowledge and remaining four (4%) had adequate knowledge. Majority of them 64(64%) had moderately favorable attitude, 34(34%) had favorable attitude and remaining two (2%) had unfavorable attitude. Therefore, nurse midwife as a service provider must aim to teach all the components of childbirth preparation to all antenatalmothers in all settings. Thereby pregnant mothers can develop coping ability towards labor process.

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Mrs. Malathi. D, Knowledge and attitude on child birth preparation and factors promoting and de-promoting the utility of service among primigravida mothers, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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