Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Ketofol anaesthesia for short Gynaecological and Obstetric procedures in ASA 1 & 2 patients.

Dr Rama Selvam

Abstract :

Propofol and ketamine are intravenous anaesthetic agents. They are used for induction of Anaesthesia as their effect lasts for 20 minutes. Ketamine causes sympathetic stimulation where as propofol causes . However ketamine provides best analgesia and propofol only causes sleep and rapid recovery. The combination of these two drugs for short gynaecological procedures is the aim of my study and has proved to be effective . Both these drugs together maintain the haemodynamic stability and provided good recover with no adverse effects. The effect of Ketofol in this randomized, double blinded study was done compare the quality of Anaesthesia

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Dr Rama Selvam Ketofol Anaesthesia for Short Gynaecological and Obstetric Procedures in ASA 1 & 2 Patients Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015

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