Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Sunil D Souza, Dr. T. S Devaraja

Abstract :

 The Inclusion of excluded people from the formal financial services is the milestone in avoiding the threats and problems for people from informal financial services like Money lenders, landlords etc. To include the excluded people from services of formal financial institutions, anch free banking agencies play a major role by creating facilities to people for savings, Borrowings and influence for socio-economic developmental activities through productive utilization of people’s earnings. The paper is to ing a conceptual frame work on the different phases of financial inclusion process initiated by Government of India and Reserve Bank of India review of previous studies and analysed the financial inclusion progress in India

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Sunil D Souza, Dr. T.S Devaraja ISSUES AND PROGRESS OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN INDIA Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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