Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Isolation and Molecular (RAPD) Identification of Alkaline Protease Producing Fungi from Dissimilar Soil areas of Andhra Pradesh

Sarojini Ch. , D. Srinivasa Rao, K. R. S. Sambasiva Rao

Abstract :

 Three soil samples were collected in depth of 5-6 cm from soil. Alkaline pH was observed across the sampling sites and a total of 3 samples were found with plenty of microflora occurrence. The total microorganism counts of the soils were estimated by standard dilution plate technique. The isolated microbes were identified by their cultural and morphological characteristics. Total 74 microorganism forms (includes bacteria (4), fungi (69) and actenomycetes (1)) were obtained from the positive three soil samples. These are 10 fungal forms from Kakinada, 9 from Vishakhapatnam and 40 from Tenali black field soils. Alkaline proteases fungi were isolated using milk agar plate assay consists of 0.5% casein from different soils collected from Kakinada, Vishakhapatnam beach soil and Tenali black soil fields of Andhra Pradesh. Three soil fungal isolates were examined for protease producing microorganism. Isolation and RAPD-identification of the highest alkaline protease producer under submerged fermentation, using czepekdox media

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Sarojini Ch., D.Srinivasa Rao, K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao Isolation and Molecular (RAPD) Identification of Alkaline Protease Producing Fungi from Dissimilar Soil Areas of Andhra Pradesh Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016

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