Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2020
Is COVID intensity increased by Periodontitis ?
Dr Akhilesh Sankhyayan, Dr Shiva Chauhan, Dr Vikas Jindal, Dr Ranjan Malhotra, Vidushi Jindal, Ayushi Singla
Abstract :
There is sufficient evidence of a link between periodontitis and non-oral systemic diseases. Periodontal disease (PD) is a category of diseases that include inflammatory features of the host and dysbiotic activities that impact periodontal tissue and can have systemic consequences. In addition to mortality owing to pneumonia, the virus COVID-19 has been shown to cause a hyperinflammatory disease with the release of immune modulators and mediators.1 This has been identified as a "cytokine storm" that has been shown to trigger cardiomyopathy, diseminated blood clots, stroke through oad vascular occlusion, neurological complications, thrombosis, and multi-organ failure, including heart , kidney, and ain.2 The oral cavity is also a source for respiratory infections, and patients of periodontal infection are more prone to experience hospital-acquired pneumonia than healthy individuals. We also conclude that enhancing oral health may reduce the frequency of COVID-19 symptoms and reduce the related morbidity.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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IS COVID INTENSITY INCREASED BY PERIODONTITIS ?, Dr Akhilesh Sankhyayan, Dr Shiva Chauhan, Dr Vikas Jindal, Dr Ranjan Malhotra, Vidushi Jindal, Ayushi Singla GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2020
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IS COVID INTENSITY INCREASED BY PERIODONTITIS ?, Dr Akhilesh Sankhyayan, Dr Shiva Chauhan, Dr Vikas Jindal, Dr Ranjan Malhotra, Vidushi Jindal, Ayushi Singla GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2020