Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2015
Iron Deficiency Anemia: Peripheral blood smear investigation with special reference to RBC morphology.
Hingankar A. P. , Sapkal H. P, V. B. Bhagat
Abstract :
Iron deficiency anemia is one of the world’s most widespread health problems, especially among children: approximately 40 percent of children are anemic across various African and Asian settings. Iron deficiency anemia leads to weakness, poor physical growth, and a compromised immune system decreasing the ability to fight infections and increasing morbidity and is also thought to impair cognitive performance and delay psychomotor development. Recent macroeconomic estimates suggest that the impact of iron deficiency anemia through both physical and cognitive channels could be as large as 4 percent of GDP on average in less developed countries. Through its impact on school participation and learning, anemia could also be central to understanding the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Peripheral blood smear investigation reveled the shape of different blood cells from affected persons.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Hingankar A.P., Sapkal H.P, V.B. Bhagat Iron Deficiency Anemia: Peripheral blood smear investigation with special reference to RBC morphology. Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 11 November 2015
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Hingankar A.P., Sapkal H.P, V.B. Bhagat Iron Deficiency Anemia: Peripheral blood smear investigation with special reference to RBC morphology. Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 11 November 2015