Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Ravi C, Dr Venkatapathy R

Abstract :

 Technology plays a very important role in almost in every business. Besides other sectors, the age of technology transformation has more influenced the investors in stock markets due to the development of internet based trading. The paper focuses on the empirical investigation of the technology readiness among the investors. The two major variables considered for the study are the volume of trading and frequency of trading by the investors. The technology readiness scale developed by Charles Colby and Parasuraman (2014) was adopted in the present study. The technology readiness of the investors is operationalized by four dimensions namely optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity. The psychometric properties of the scale was tested and valid in Indian context. Specific hypotheses were formulated. The responses were obtained from 320 investors listed in the Coimbatore Capital Limited. The major finding of the study was that investors with low investment significantly differ on all the four subscales of technology readiness scale. The findings of the study were analysed and the discussions are made.


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Ravi C, Dr Venkatapathy R, INVESTIGATING TECHNOLOGY READINESS AMONG INVESTORS, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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