Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016
Intra operative Ossicular Status in CSOM
A. V. S. Hanumantha Rao, Gouda Ramesh, S. Nandini
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;Background: Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media is characterized by ear discharge and heå loss. Heå loss is because of tympanic memane dehiscence and oscular chain destruction. Oscular chain destruction can occur in both types of CSOM. Reconstruction of the tympanic memane along with oscular reconstruction will give cent per cent result. Objective: To study incidence of oscular chain pathology in CSOM and frequency of involvement of each oscicle. Material and Methods: 150 patients of CSOM were selected and were subjected for clinical examination, pure tone audiometry and CT scan of temporal bone. These patients were subjected for different types of meddle ear surgery and their intra operative oscular status was recorded. Results: Oscular chain involvement is seen in both types of CSOM and more often in unsafe type of CSOM. Incus is the most commonly affected oscicle while Malleus is the least affected. Conclusion: Otolaryngologists should be competent enough to do the proper oscular chain reconstruction during middle ear surgery to give the best heå result to the patient.</p>
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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A.V.S. Hanumantha Rao, Gouda Ramesh, S. Nandini Intra operative Ossicular Status in CSOM Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016
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A.V.S. Hanumantha Rao, Gouda Ramesh, S. Nandini Intra operative Ossicular Status in CSOM Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016