Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Internet Addiction among University Students in Relation to their Personality

Sujatha, Kadhiravan, S.

Abstract :

Internet plays a vital role in education especially at university level. The utility of internet now turn to be a nightmare for many students and they were found to be unable to stop its usage. They become addicted with this technology and inturn, their characteristic behavior is affected to a larger extent. An attempt was made to explore the relationship between internet addiction and personality of university students. 254 students from Periyar University, Salem have been selected through simple random sampling and data is collected with the help of internet addiction scale by Armstrong and big five personality locator by McCrae and Costa. Results revealed that male students as well as students from Arts discipline have displayed higher internet addiction. A few dimensions of personality factors have significant association with internet addiction. The findings and implications are discussed in this article.

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Sujatha, Kadhiravan, S. Internet Addiction Among University Students in Relation to Their Personality Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 8 August 2015

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