Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Intercultural Communication: Strategies for Managing Intercultural Dimensions of Business

Dr. Jyoti H. Lahoti

Abstract :

Every human group shares a body of common understandings, its culture, which serves to make communication within the group intelligible and which guides behavior and enables the group to achieve common objectives. Common understandings, communication, and behaviors set each group apart from other groups. To a greater or lesser degree, there is overlap with the shared understandings of other groups. Nevertheless, critical points of difference in these understandings, however minor they may seem to outsiders, give rise to convictions of being a separate group and reinforce a shared identity. While separate cultures may share varying amounts of their content, their points of difference establish boundaries. These cultural boundaries are potential obstacles to communication. Communication is the act or process of imparting or exchanging meanings, such as information, opinions, thoughts, and feelings. In times of rapid economic development and internationalization of business, effective Inter-cultural communication among employees remains a challenge. This paper aims to research and analyze Inter-cultural communication in business. Through in-depth analysis and application of existing theories the findings of this research demonstrated that although national culture does have an undeniable influence on people’s behavior and their communication style, implications in communication between businesses partners of different cultural backgrounds often connected to an individual approach to Inter-cultural communication. A great emphasis was placed on the language being one of the biggest communication challenges facing in international arena. Communication ways among individuals are greatly affected by ones background, culture, norms, values and perceptions of the world.

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Dr. Jyoti H. Lahoti Intercultural Communication: Strategies for Managing Intercultural Dimensions of Business Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015

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