Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Inclination of the Lumbosacral angle in normal individuals: An MRI study

Rana Abdul Rahman Aziz

Abstract :

 Back ground The Lumbosacral angle is the angle between the long axis of the lumbar part of the verteal column and that of the sacrum. Materials and method The subject of this study was the measurement of the inclination of the lumbosacral angle (LSI), by using lumbosacral MRI studies of 50 apperantly normal MRI �lms (25 males and 25 females) in order to estimate from the pure anatomic point of view if there is a gender difference in different age groups. Electronic Goniometer was used. Results and discussion: The ages of male group was ranged from 17-75 years old (mean 43.6), while the females group was from 18-70 years old (mean 43.48). The LSI angle mean for males was 138.56 and that of females group was 141.08. Although the angles measurements were bigger for females than males, the P value = 0.278 (>0.05) indicates that there was no statistical signi�cant difference between the two means Conclusion: The lumbosacral angle is simple to be measured radiologically especially by MRI and the results obtained from our population is comparable to those published by other foreign researchers with comparable means, the females have larger angles than males but with no signi�cant statistical difference.

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Rana Abdul Rahman Aziz Inclination of the Lumbosacral angle in normal individuals: An MRI study Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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