Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


S Leyman Ar , Mehmet Temel, Mustafa Karg O Lu

Abstract :

<p>Monumental trees are known as respected natural artefacts with their magnificent views. Since ancient times, they have been considered as an indicator of fame, honour, wealth and sublime and they have been the subject of mythology and epics. They are also important in terms of tourism. Monumental trees in Afyonkarahisar were observed, and photographed during floristic studies and diagnostics were made based on the study titled "Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands". Also their localities, local names, estimated age measurements were performed. Within the province borders 11 taxon (Tiliarua DC. subsp. caucasica(Rupr.) V. Engl.,JuniperusfoetidissimaWilld.,JuniperusexcelsaM.Bieb. subsp. excelsa,CedruslibaniA.Rich. var. libani, Pinusnigra J. F. Arnold. subsp. pallasiana var. pallasiana, Castaneasativa Mill., Quercusrobur L. subsp. robur, Quercuscerris L., Quercustrojana Webb subsp. trojana, Coryluscolurna L., Taxusbaccata L.) have been identified belonging to 6 families (Tiliaceae, Cupresscaea,Pinaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Taxaceae). Thanks to the detection of the presence of monumental trees in the region, it will be contributed to transfer this cultural heritage, have been transferred from our ancestors to the present day, carefully to future generations and it will contribute to the establishment of cultural communication between generations.</p>

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S Uuml Leyman Ar Auml Plusmn , Mehmet Temel, Mustafa Karg Auml Plusmn O Auml Lu Important Monumental Trees of Afyonkarahisar and Their Features Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 9 September 2015

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