Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Importance of Corporate Social Responsibilities

Habiba Abbasi

Abstract :

 In the present scenario the corporate are not judged just on a financial scale but on social scale too. Corporate that stay ahead are not just financially viable but also do take care of the impact of their policies on the society. This impact is reflected in the corporate social Responsibility (CSR) acts. The meaning, concepts and functionality of CSR has changed over the time with the changes in politics, business and society. This paper tries to discuss the various definitions of CSR over time. In the 21st century CSR is directly related to the triple bottom line i.e. People, Planet and Profit. The next section talks about the six major dimensions of CSR i.e. customer, employees, business partner, environment, community and investor. In the last section the benefits of CSR have been discussed taking small case studies and put under three heads. Community as supplier, magnetize and maintain workforce and enhancing corporate reputation.

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Habiba Abbasi Importance of Corporate Social Responsibilities Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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