Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016


Deepika Sharma, Akshav Aggarwal, Smati Sambyal, Sandeep Kumar

Abstract :

 Background and Purpose:- Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions. In India nearly 60% of people have LBP in some point of their life1.Studies have shown that the incidence of LBP is highest in the 3rd decade of life & its prevalence increases with age until 60–65 age groups and then gradually decline 2.The exact cause cannot be identified in 85-95% of cases. It arise from any one of a number of anatomical structures including bones, interverteal discs, joints, ligaments, muscles, neural structures and blood vessels . Chronic low back pain is a highly prevalent and costly musculoskeletal problem in economically advanced societies nowadays. It can cause long-term disability, absenteeism from work and frequent health service use3. Therefore, low back pain is considered a public health problem of clinical, social and economic importance, which affects the population without distinction and requires effective management. Adequate management of pain experiences is only possible if this subjective phenomenon and directly related factors are assessed and measured. Material & Method: 50 subjects, both males and females, having age between 18- 45 years, who were diagnosed with low back pain were included in the study. All the subjects were assessed for the Pain, Disability and Quality of life. Pain was assessed by visual analogue scale, Disability was assessed by Rolland Morris and Quality of life was assessed by SF 36. Result & Conclusion: Statistical analysis describes significant correlation between the Visual Analogue Scale and SF 36 in low back pain patients, VAS and Rolland Morris Scale, and Rolland Morris Scale with SF 36 also shows statistically significant correlation in low back pain patients. Thus, there is significant effect of pain on quality of life in low back pain patients..

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Deepika Sharma, Akshav Aggarwal, Smati Sambyal, Sandeep Kumar IMPACT OF PAIN, DISABILITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH LOW BACK PAIN Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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