Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Impact of Conspicuous Consumption on the Purchase of Luxury Items: Study of the Consumer Behaviour with special reference to Udaipur

Dr. Anju Singh

Abstract :

 The basis of any consumer purchase is the accomplishment of their physiological and safety needs by the masses, henceforth the consumer focuses on the fulfillment of self esteem needs. This gives rise to a tussle between the conspicuous and inconspicuous mind of an individual. As per Sociological theory, conspicuous consumption offers that public exhibit of discretionary buying power, either as income or as accumulated wealth, does not provide direct utility to the person who behaves likewise. The present paper explores the consumer’s perspective and the drivers behind their consumption habit of the luxury items. This study is the result of a questionnaire which surveyed over 200 adults of Udaipur. The chi-square test is applied for the analysis of the data. The results obtain demonstrates the key drivers which are imperative for the consumption pattern of the luxury goods

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Dr. Anju Singh, Impact of Conspicuous Consumption on the Purchase of Luxury Items: Study of the Consumer Behaviour with special reference to Udaipur, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017

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