Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Hypnosis as a new boon for the supplement of Anesthetic agent: a case control study

Dr. Hemali Chande, Dr. Hitesh Patel

Abstract :

 Aim: The aim of the present study to see that can hypnosis be used as an adjuvant to other analgesics agents. Methods: A total of 30 cases were studied and follow up was taken. Patients participated in the study were screened for the hypnotic suggestibility by tests such as eyeball set or hand levitation test, done at least the day prior to surgery and appropriate response noted. VAS scale (1-100)8 was used to note level of anxiety. Out of 30 cases screened for susceptibility, 25 patients were chosen. On the day of surgery, the anxiety scale before administration of hypnosis was again assessed and noted. In all 25 patients, sufficient analgesia for IV access was demonstrated by observing for response to pin prick. After establishing IV access, patients were assessed for anxiety score and sedation by observation and patient response. Results: The level of anxiety prior to hypnosis was in the range of 40 to 95 with a median of average of 60 (VAS 0-100). Post hypnosis the range of anxiety was from 5 to 25 with a median of 15. Five patients demonstrated complete analgesia with no change in heart rate. Three of the 25 patients had IV access pre-established for other reasons and could not be tested. Conclusion: Hypnosis can be considered as an effective non-pharmacological tool for reduction of preoperative anxiety and sedation.

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Dr. Hemali Chande, Dr. Hitesh Patel Hypnosis as a new boon for the supplement of Anesthetic agent: a case control study Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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