Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017
Dr. Dona Saha, Dr. Soumyabrata Nag, Dr. Sayan Dev Nayak, Dr. Nayani Amrin Fatema Afzal Hussain, Dr. Moumita Adhikary
Abstract :
Hydatid cyst is a zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus, �dog tapeworm�. It is endemic in India, and mostly humans who handle dogs become accidental hosts. Liver and lungs are the most common sites of infection accounting for more than 70% of cases, though rarer sites of involvement have been reported. We are presenting the first case report of primary hydatid cyst in the muscle of forearm from India. A young female presented with a non-tender swelling of right forearm for six months limiting mobility of the elbow joint. Imaging studies showed presence of multiple cystic structures resembling Hydatid cyst within the muscles of forearm, and absence of any such lesion in abdomen, thorax and head. The patient was operated and histological and microbiological examination confirmed the diagnosis. Patient was put on tablet Albendazole and was followed for six months without any recurrence of her symptoms.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Dona Saha, Dr. Soumyabrata Nag, Dr. Sayan Dev Nayak, Dr. Nayani Amrin Fatema Afzal Hussain, Dr. Moumita Adhikary, HYDATID CYST OF FOREARM: A RARE CASE REPORT, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017
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Dr. Dona Saha, Dr. Soumyabrata Nag, Dr. Sayan Dev Nayak, Dr. Nayani Amrin Fatema Afzal Hussain, Dr. Moumita Adhikary, HYDATID CYST OF FOREARM: A RARE CASE REPORT, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017