Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Hybrid Indexing for Optimal Data Broadcast in Wireless Environment

Dr. Savita Kumari Sheoran

Abstract :

 Recently the data oadcast has emerged as powerful tool for mass data dissemination in wireless environment in a scalable manner. The oadcast based system in generic form have disadvantage that mobile client have to spent more energy in search for desired data item. Various indexing schema viz. hashing, tree and table based indexing have been developed to mitigate this issue of energy consumption but no scheme have been found suitable in all instances of oadcast environment. Exponential Indexing (EI) is best known for its flexible and error resilient behavior. Further Data Replicated–Exponential Indexing (DR-EI) and Distributed Spatial–Exponential Indexing (DS-EI) have been developed for better tradeoff between performance parameters of data oadcast. Also, Signature Indexing is a hash based indexing techniques which achieve optimal energy consumption. In this paper we have developed a hyid indexing relying on united power of Signature Indexing and DS-EI schema to design an optimal data oadcasting strategy for minimum latency and low energy consumption along with flexibility and error resilient demeanor. The simulation results attest that proposed Hyid Indexing outperforms these two states of art indexing techniques.

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Dr. Savita Kumari (Sheoran) Hybrid Indexing for Optimal Data Broadcast in Wireless Environment Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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