Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Human Habitats in India and International Legal Instruments: An Analysis

Chinmaya Kumar Mohapatra, Hiranmaya Nanda

Abstract :

 Shoreline changes are important linear feature on the Earth surface and it presents dynamic in nature. Coastal region has geomorphologically complex processes, such as erosion, accretion, landslides, subsidence and tidal inundation hazard. Shoreline changes are considered a valuable task for coastal monitoring and assessment. Coastal vulnerability is defined as the occurrence of a phenomenon, which has the potential for causing damage to or loss of buildings under natural ecosystems and the other infrastructure man made. The assessment of the coastal erosion hazard and mitigation is an estimation of a coastal area susceptible to erosion, based on a number of factors such as shoreline changes, geomorphology, human impact on coast etc. Many researchers have successfully investigated long-term shoreline changes and geomorphological changes in the coastal landforms based on remote sensing and GIS techniques. The present study is aimed to investigate the coastal changes based on two parameters namely; geomorphological changes, Shoreline changes over the years, rate of erosion and accretion, using remote sensing and GIS techniques

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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S.Venkateswaran, G.Panneer Selvam, M.Vijay Prabhu, G.Prithiviraj, R.Kannan, Coastal Geomorphological and Shoreline Change Analysis of Ramnathapuram District Tamilnadu Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-8, AUGUST-2017

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