Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Hospitality management student's career intentions to become entrepreneurs in hospitality sector after completion of their course

Hardaman Singh Bhinder

Abstract :

 Some of the final year hotel management students would like to set up their own business ventures in spite of joining 

the industry at the entry level positions. Reason could be due to challenging and demanding nature of employment 
conditions in the hospitality sector and tends to switch over to other allied sectors. Present study explores the future 
intentions of final year hotel management students after completion of their course program towards entrepreneurship. Research aims to 
find out major reasons, which influenced them to become entrepreneur and what are the major reasons among students for not starting their 
own venture after the completion of their course. Survey instrument used was structured questionnaire and interviews conducted with sample 
population. Research findings are based on the statistical data and revealed less percentage of students are keen towards entrepreneurship. The 
primary data have been collected through questionnaire .The sample size for the study was 84.The data is analysed using percentage analysis 
and bar charts were used to present demographic profiles of the respondents. Finding highlighted that passion to be your own your boss are 
influencing reason for students to start their own ventures. Hospitality educationally institutes must develop entrepreneurial skills among 
students through inviting successful entrepreneurs by way of entrepreneurship development cell.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Hardaman Singh Bhinder Hospitality management students career intentions to become entrepreneurs in hospitality sector after completion of their course Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015

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