Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Histopathological study of cholecystectomy specimens -A hospital based study

Dr. Smita Sawant, Dr. Nirmala Gaikwad, Dr. Kalpana Hajirnis, Dr. Shumalia Zaheer

Abstract :

 Cholecystectomy for gall bladder diseases is the most commonly performedsurgical procedure worldwide. Routine examination of the gall bladder after surgery throws up interesting possibilities including carcinoma.(1)

In the present study total 265 cases were included where 186 (70.18%) were females & 79 (29.82%) were males. The male to female ratio was 1:2.35 in our study.  Age distribution showed maximum patient in the age group of 31-50 years, 57 patients in both the decade Histomorphologically, in our study maximum cases were of chronic calculous cholecystitis 210 (79.24%) cases followed by chronic cholecystitis 20 (7.54%)cases acute on chronic cholecystitis13 (4.90%)cases, acute calculous cholecystitis 8(3.01%)cases. Out of 265 cases 2 (0.77%) were adenocarcinoma. In our study we found one case of porcelain gall bladder, acute gangrenous cholecystitis, adenoma gall bladder & acute perforating cholecystitis.

  Conclusion:  Our study strongly recommends routine histopathological examination of all cholecystectomy specimens.

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Dr.Smita Sawant, Dr.Nirmala Gaikwad, Dr.Kalpana Hajirnis, Dr. Shumalia Zaheer, Histopathological study of cholecystectomy specimens -A hospital based study, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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