Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Histopathological spectrum of Prostatic lesion : A Hospital based study

Dr. Bharti Devi Thaker, Dr. Sunil Raina, Dr. Kailash Singh

Abstract :

  Introduction-Prostate gland is an exocrine gland and the largest accessory reproductive organ in male. It is the most commonly affected organs in males with increasing age , accounting for significant morbidity and mortality. This  study was done over one year period retrospectively in the department of pathology GMC jammu to study the  the histopathological spectrum of   Prostatic lesion in TURP specimen received in  our  department.


Result- During  the study period, 96 TURP specimens were received in our department . Age of patients ranged from 40 years to  90 years with a mean age of 54 years. Prostatic cancer was most commonly seen in 7th decade.Out of 96  cases  89  (92.7% )were benign cases whereas 7 cases(7.3% ) were found to be malignant.

Benign hyperplasia of prostate (BPH) was the most common histological diagnosis (50 cases). It was followed by case of BPH with chronic prostitis (36cases) and 3cases of BPH with basal cell hyperplasia among the benign lesions. Most common clinical presentation was  increase in frequency of micturation  .



Conclusion-Benign lesions  were more common than malignant lesions. Maximum patients who were affected were in 6th decade presenting with increased frequency of micturation.


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Dr. Bharti Devi Thaker, Dr. Sunil Raina, DR. Kailash Singh, Histopathological spectrum of Prostatic lesion : A Hospital based study, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017

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