Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
High gain & Efficient planner Array Antenna for satellite applications
Suhas Patel, Assist. Prof. Aniruddh Amin
Abstract :
<p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;Globalization trend in Satellite Communication shows deep interest in Micro&amp;ndash;strip antenna design. Development&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;div&gt;shows Micro&amp;ndash;strip patch antenna design for the satellite communication for single band but least paper are available&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;on double band in satellite communication, and making of array of patch antenna which is used for increasing in gain &amp;amp;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;improvement in various parameters like return loss, radiation pattern, VSWR, and gain. The proposed technique is used for designing a Micro&amp;ndash;strip&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;patch antenna and array of patch antenna at 4 GHz and after cutting the some part of patch, I get the second band at 6 GHz. Micro&amp;ndash;strip patch&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div&gt;antenna will be designed and faicated at 4 GHz &amp;amp; 6 GHz. The stimulated results show significant improvement in the antenna parameters.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;</p>
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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SUHAS PATEL, PROF. ANIRUDDH AMIN High Gain & Efficient Planner Array Antenna for Satellite Applications Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015
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SUHAS PATEL, PROF. ANIRUDDH AMIN High Gain & Efficient Planner Array Antenna for Satellite Applications Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015