Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Health related Quality of life of children with sickle cell disease in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India

Abhay S Bagul, Vinit M Warthe

Abstract :


Introduction: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a chronic hemolytic anemia and most common manifestation is acute painful crises. Health related Quality of life (HRQL) is an important feature of mental and social well-being that is frequently overlooked during assessment of morbidity of chronic diseases like sickle cell disease. This study is planned to assess quality of life of children with sickle cell disease (SCD) in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India.

Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in the Government Medical College and Hospital, Akola, Maharashtra, India.  Total 50 children with SCD in age group of 6-12 years were enrolled. Pediatric Quality of life inventory was used to assess children HRQL. It includes physical well-being, social well-being, emotional well-being and school well-being.

Results: Out of 50 enrolled subjects, 30 were male and 20 were female. In physical well being, most common item (60%) was “It is hard for me to run”, in emotional well-being it was “I feel angry”, in social well-being it was “I cannot do things that other kids at my age can do” and in school well-being it was “I forget things” and “I miss school because of not feeling well”. In 48% of subjects HRQL was affected as we observed “Always” choice.

Conclusion: Health related Quality of life of children with SCD is affected in all subcategories. Along with treatment of SCD, appropriate interventions should be done to prevent, diagnose and treat impairment in HRQL.

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Abhay S Bagul, Vinit M Warthe, Health related Quality of life of children with sickle cell disease in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-3, MARCH-2018

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