Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018
Health promotion programs: an analysis in the federal public service
Leila Maria Castro Dos Santos, Renata Da Costa Pinheiro, Amanda Gabriella Oliveira Tundis, Edna De Fatima Reis Cardoso, Roberlane Neves Grana, Rosemary Rocha Osborne
Abstract :
The objective of this study was to identify the health promotion programs that have as target audience federal public servants in Brazil, characterizing them by region. For that, a statistical survey was carried out in the Integrated System of Human Resources Administration – (Health Module). The method was documentary and with descriptive analysis and comparison of the data. The results obtained showed that there is a contrast between the states. Through the records of health action activities, it can be seen that the South and Southeast regions are those that concentrate the highest rates of health promotion program, and the northern region is the one that least registers or develops these practices. About 40% of the programs in the Northeast region are classified as occupational health actions. As a possible cause, it is suggested that this contrast is related to the lack of registration in the system promotion module SIAPE-SAÚDE, for lack of knowledge of procedures, or difficulties with human resources to compose the teams, in addition to the support of the management.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Leila Maria Castro dos Santos, Renata da Costa Pinheiro, Amanda Gabriella Oliveira Tundis, Edna de Fatima Reis Cardoso, Roberlane Neves Grana, Rosemary Rocha Osborne, Health promotion programs: an analysis in the federal public service, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018
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Leila Maria Castro dos Santos, Renata da Costa Pinheiro, Amanda Gabriella Oliveira Tundis, Edna de Fatima Reis Cardoso, Roberlane Neves Grana, Rosemary Rocha Osborne, Health promotion programs: an analysis in the federal public service, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018