Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Dr. Praveen Kumar, Prof. Neeraj Kumar

Abstract :

 Man has been trying to protect himself from natural calamities from time immemorial. If the weather is hot, he tries to find a cooler place and if the weather is cold he tries to find a warmer place. He wants to wear clothes which are suitable for a particular weather. In the beginning of the civilization, man used to protect himself with animal skins from cold weather, but as he became more civilized, he reared sheep for wool and made clothes of wool to protect himself from cold weather. The hairs of sheep are soft, warm and spinnable and they are used to protect us by weå woolen clothes. It is difficult to say since when wool was used, but the fact is that as man became more civilized woolens were invented.

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Dr. Praveen Kumar, Prof. Neeraj Kumar GROWTH AND DEVLOPMENT OF INDIAN WOOLLEN INDUSTRY Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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