Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Gradient Histrogram preservation for Texture Enhanced Image denoising

Mr. Harshalkumar Patel, Mrs. J. H. Patil

Abstract :

General framework based on histogram equalization for image contrast enhancement is discussed. Inthis framework, contrast enhancement is posed as an optimization problem that minimizes a cost function.Histogram equalization is an effective technique for contrast enhancement. However, conventional histogram equalization (HE) usually results in excessive contrast enhancement, which in turn gives the processed image anunnatural look and creates visual artifacts. By introducing specifically designed penalty terms, the level of contrast enhancement can be adjusted; noise robustness, white/black stretching and mean-ightnesspreservation may easily be incorporated into the optimization.

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Mr.Harshalkumar Patel, Mrs. J.H.Patil Gradient Histrogram Preservation for Texture Enhanced Image Denoising Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 8 August 2015

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