Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Functional Echocardiography in critically ill children

Ajit S. Baghela, S. S. Prabhu, Sumitra V

Abstract :


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cardiac functions by bedside 2D Echocardiogram/Color Doppler in critically ill children. Design: Descriptive, observational, prospective case control study. Setting: Tertiary care Children’s Hospital. Methods: 83/100critically ill PICU children who fulfilled the study criteria were included. Initial Echocardiogram was done within 48 hours of admission and repeat echocardiograms if necessary. Cardiac dimensions, functions and cardiac output were assessed by standard methods and compared to Pediatric norms for age and Body Surface area (BSA). Volume status was assessed by inferior venacaval (IVC) collapsing index (IVC-CI) and IVC distensibility index ( IVC-DI). Results: LV systolic functions were normal in (n=62/83; 74.7%) patients, dysfunction in (n=16/83; 19.27%), hyper contractile in (n=5/83;  6.0 %). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was noted in 22.9% and high LVMI was noted in children with abnormal renal profile, hypertension and hypocalcaemia [p<0.05]. LV systolic dysfunction was significant in sepsis group patients (32.5%) [p=0.0063] and those who had a PICU stay more than 10 days duration [p=0.013]. Total number of mortality during study period was ten (12%) and transferred out from PICU were 73 patients (87.9%).  Conclusion: Cardiac dysfunction more prevalent in sepsis group patients and those required prolonged ventilation. Evaluation of Cardiac functions and volume status by functional echocardiography helps to tailor fluids and inotropes timely and support hemodynamics in critically ill children.

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Ajit S. Baghela, S.S. Prabhu, Sumitra V, Functional Echocardiography in critically ill children, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-1, JANUARY-2018

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