Volume : IX, Issue : VII, July - 2020


Dr. Kousain Sehar, Dr. Nadia Irshad, Dr. Navneet Kour, Dr. Mir Tabish Syeed, Dr. Manju Verma, Dr. Hilal Ahmad Hela

Abstract :

Frenum is a mucous memane fold that helps in the attachment of the lip cheek to the alveolar mucosa, gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. The frena jeopardize the gingival health if its attached too closely to the gingival margin which is either due to an interference in the plaque control or due to any muscle pull. In addition, the maxillary frenum presents aesthetical problems or it may compromise the orthodontic resulting in the midline diastema, thus causing recurrence after the treatment. The management of such an aberrant frenum is usually accomplished by performing a method called frenectomy.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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FRENECTOMY: A CASE REPORT, Dr. Kousain Sehar, Dr. Nadia Irshad, Dr. Navneet kour, Dr. Mir Tabish Syeed, Dr. Manju Verma, Dr. Hilal Ahmad Hela GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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