Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2020

Frantz Tumor - Clinical Case Presentation

Alexander Antonio Jara Chavez, Carolina Vanessa Saldana Rodriguez, Wendy Vanessa Vaca Vega, Mebil Leonardo Menendez Zambrano, Jessica Isabel Vargas Palma, Paulina Elizabeth Duran Mora

Abstract :

Objectives: Describe the main signs and symptoms of this type of tumors, as well as their appropriate treatment and post-surgical monitoring. Method: A retrospective study was carried out, a clinical case in adolescent patients since their detection, diagnostic tests, surgery, until their post-surgical follow-up. Results: It is a female patient, 16 years old, mixed race who has symptoms of epigas-tralgia radiating back accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; laboratory: report-ed blood test, chest Rx and normal tumor markers (AFP and BHCG); Simple and prov-en CT revealed occupational mass originated in the body of the pancreas. He underwent Corpo-pancreatectomy Surgical treatment, Postoperative satisfactory; 1 year of asymp-tomatic patient surgery. Conclusion: Pseudopapillary Solid Tumor of the Pancreas or Frantz‘s Tumor is a very rare tumor, with a low degree of malignancy, usually encapsulated. The diagnosis is mainly given by finding images; US (ultrasonography) and CT (Computerized Axial Tomography) as is the case with our patient. Complete tumor resection is the treatment of choice, preserving as much pancreatic tissue as possible.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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FRANTZ TUMOR - CLINICAL CASE PRESENTATION, Alexander Antonio Jara Chavez, Carolina Vanessa Saldana Rodriguez, Wendy Vanessa Vaca Vega, Mebil Leonardo Menendez Zambrano, Jessica Isabel Vargas Palma, Paulina Elizabeth Duran Mora GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2020

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