Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2020
Dr. Rizwan M. Sanadi, Dr. Kahkashan A Kadri, Dr. Medha S. Sawarkar, Dr. Sheetal Choudhari
Abstract :
Gingival overgrowth is a common clinical finding and commonly manifests as plaque induced reactive hyperplasia. Localized gingival overgrowths like peripheral fioma, peripheral ossifying fioma and pyogenic granuloma belong to a common group of lesions designated as focal reactive overgrowths (FROG). They have similar clinical and biological behaviour but vary in their histogenesis and histopathological features. The definitive diagnosis though is established by histological examination, which sometimes reveals focal calcifications in the connective tissue. The present case series analyses 4 cases of localised reactive overgrowths of the gingiva (FROGs) which presented a similar clinical picture but had a different histopathological picture.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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FOCAL REACTIVE OVERGROWTHS OF GINGIVA: CASE SERIES, Dr. Rizwan M. Sanadi, Dr. Kahkashan A Kadri, Dr. Medha S. Sawarkar, Dr. Sheetal Choudhari GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020
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FOCAL REACTIVE OVERGROWTHS OF GINGIVA: CASE SERIES, Dr. Rizwan M. Sanadi, Dr. Kahkashan A Kadri, Dr. Medha S. Sawarkar, Dr. Sheetal Choudhari GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020