Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018


A. K. Srivastava, Keshav Kumar Singh, Vinkita Tripathi, Jyoti Dev Nath, Md. Imamuddin

Abstract :


Fire-fighting robot has invented and modified various inventors. Still, the research on this topic is to be continued. Our focus during modification in this robot is: 1. To make its design simple, 2. To invent a robot which can easily use by common people, 3. To reduce the number of parts used in a household fire-fighting robot, and 4. To enhance the responsive nature of robot.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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A.K. Srivastava, Keshav Kumar Singh, Vinkita Tripathi, Jyoti Dev Nath, Md. Imamuddin, FIRE FIGHTING ROBOT, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018

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