Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016
Fibromyalgia syndrome –newer concepts in pathogenesis diagnosis, and treatment
Shiji. Pv, Raveendran Av, Ravindran V, Bhargavan Pv
Abstract :
Fiomyalgia syndrome is a chronic pain disorder. The pathogenesis of FMS is multifactorial.It includes central and peripheral pain mechanisms. With increasing knowledge on the pathophysiology newer treatment modalities are available which gives better quality of life for the patients. Treatment includes both pharmacological and non pharmacological therapy
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Shiji. PV, Raveendran AV, Ravindran V, Bhargavan PV Fibromyalgia syndrome –newer concepts in pathogenesis diagnosis, and treatment Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016
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Shiji. PV, Raveendran AV, Ravindran V, Bhargavan PV Fibromyalgia syndrome –newer concepts in pathogenesis diagnosis, and treatment Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016