Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Feedback in Non-Verbal Communication and Level of Understanding: An Analytical Study

Dr Pradosh Kumar Rath, Mr Alekha Sachidananda Nayak

Abstract :

 In this study, the relations between feedback and communication are investigated. More specifically the important applications of feedback in oral communication are tried to be understood. The central idea of communication is to increase commonality or shå of information among participants. In the participatory communication or in twoway communication, feedback helps to determine the level of acceptance, understanding, and impact of the message on the receiver. To frame a feedback of message and to interpret feedback message in communication is always a challenging and demanding one. So the present study aims at determining the relationship between "levels of understanding" or the impact of a message and the “nonverbal feedback" in face-to-face oral communication.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr Pradosh Kumar Rath, Mr Alekha Sachidananda Nayak Feedback in Non-Verbal Communication and Level of Understanding: An Analytical Study Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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