Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016
Extent of Variation Caused by Independent Variables overall extent of contribution of tribal farmwomen in Agricultural activities
Dr. Mahesh R. Patel, Dr. Arun Patel, Shri Jaydip D. Desai, Shri Vijay B. Patel, Dr. N. R. Patel
Abstract :
Agricultural production plays a significant role in the Indian economy. In India, women and agriculture seem synonymous terms. One can not think of agriculture without women. There is hardly any activity in agriculture except ploughing, where women are not involved. The tribal farmwoman shares with her husband the arduous burden of farm work in addition to her major responsibility as home maker, by helping in all other agricultural and animal husbandry activities. Keeping this fact in mind, the present study was carried out to find out Extent of Variation Caused by Independent Variables overall extent of contribution of tribal farmwomen in Agricultural activities. The result of the study revealed that education of tribal farmwomen was the most important variable affecting directly and positively to the overall extent of contribution of tribal farmwomen in agricultural operations. It had also provided a way for the variables viz., attitude towards different development programmes, awareness regarding different development programmes, risk preference, scientific orientation innovativeness, source of information, social participation, material possession and annual family income in exerting their indirect substantial effect on overall extent of contribution of tribal farmwomen in agricultural operations.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Mahesh R. Patel, Dr. Arun Patel, Shri Jaydip D. Desai, Shri Vijay B. Patel, Dr. N. R. Patel Extent of Variation Caused by Independent Variables overall extent of contribution of tribal farmwomen in Agricultural activities Global Journal For Research
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Dr. Mahesh R. Patel, Dr. Arun Patel, Shri Jaydip D. Desai, Shri Vijay B. Patel, Dr. N. R. Patel Extent of Variation Caused by Independent Variables overall extent of contribution of tribal farmwomen in Agricultural activities Global Journal For Research