Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Exploring an association of oral mucosal disorders with psychiatric disorders for their effective management

Dr. Suwarna Dangore Khasbage

Abstract :

 The objective of the study was to evaluate correlation of recurrent aphthous stomatitis, burning mouth syndrome and oral lichen planus with psychological alterations of the patient and intake of psychiatric drugs. In the present study, two hundred patients were screened to establish relationships between oral health and psychiatric health. In recurrent aphthous stomatitis patients, mainly associated psychiatric disorder was anxiety (36.67%) while depression was chiefly associated with burning mouth syndrome, and oral lichen planus (50% and 50% respectively). On other side, overall increased prevalence of oral mucosal disorders is observed in patients who were suffering from psychiatric disorder and taking medications for the same. Thus, the periodic oral examination is recommended for patients who are on psychiatric medicines.

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Dr. Suwarna Dangore Khasbage, Exploring an association of oral mucosal disorders with psychiatric disorders for their effective management, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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